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Adopt-A-Room Program

Individual and corporate giving opportunities are available


RMHC-SLA provides support to families of seriously ill or injured children traveling to New Orleans to seek treatment by providing a comforting home environment, meals, transportation, and the opportunity to find comfort in sharing their experiences with parents going through similar difficult situations.

Now YOU can be a partner in providing these much-needed services to more than 683 families each year and allow them to focus their resources on healing their child, not on where to stay, what to eat, or how to get around an unfamiliar city.

Adopt one of our private guest rooms, kitchen, dining room or other common area and your name, the name of a loved one, company or community group will be prominently displayed at the entrance to the room you sponsor for all to see. This is a corporate giving opportunity your company won’t want to miss.

Our guest rooms and common areas which are available for adoption are:

  • Pantry: $500
  • Kitchen: $3,000
  • Laundry Rooms: $500 each
  • Toy Closet: $500 no longer available. Adopted by Platta Temple No. 15, Prince Hall Shriners
  • 1st Floor Family Room: $2,500
  • Guest Rooms: $1,000 each

Please contact Jodi Lafranca at (504) 486-6668 or, for more information on the Adopt-A-Room program at RHMC-SLA. Our Adopt-A-Room application form is available to download and print here.