
Jeremiah + Nehemiah


Fransha was pregnant with twins when she was admitted into Our Lady of Lourdes Women’s & Children’s Hospital for placental insufficiency, a condition potentially fatal for both mom and babies.  The twin boys delivered at 30 weeks by C-section on May 4th.    

Jeremiah weighed just 2.6 lbs. & Nehemiah was just slightly higher at 3.2 lbs., so they were both placed immediately into the NICU due to their small size.  Fransha was in the hospital recovering and both boys were thriving in the NICU. As the twins were getting cleared for discharge, it was discovered that Nehemiah needed hernia surgery. Thankfully, a room became available  at our Ronald McDonald Family Room and Fransha & baby Jeremiah checked into the Family Room.  Baby Nehemiah had his surgery and Mom is so close by with his brother that she can be with him daily while caring for both babies with less stress because she does not need to make a 4 hour roundtrip drive to leave Jeremiah to be near to Nehemiah.  

When asked how proximity to her NICU baby impacted her collaborative care for both twins, Fransha had this to say,“RMHC-Family Room is a blessing.  It really made having one baby in the NICU easier to handle.  Thank you, Family Room!”  

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