


3-month-old Nyria was delivered when mom was 24 weeks pregnant.   She has been diagnosed with chronic lung disease and osteopenia of prematurity, a metabolic bone disease which has caused her bones to become brittle from loss of calcium and phosphorus.  Currently Nyria is healing from fractures in both of her legs.  She also requires mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy for acute respiratory distress.  Because of the care she is receiving as well as her fighting spirit, her prognosis is favorable, although she will need to stay at CHNOLA for a total of 2 months at least.

Mom Aniyah, who is only 19 years old, lives 4 hours away and has no local support, with dad not in the picture. She tries to get home to her parents every once in awhile, although she does not want to leave her baby for very long.  She says, “My stay so far has been wonderful.  The people here are amazing and have really been there for me when I needed them.”