
Myles’ Mama

“We’re “home” at Ronald McDonald House Charities of South Louisiana. We walked in and grabbed our keys to a room we’ve stayed in so many times, said hey to the familiar faces that have walked with us through the hardest days of our lives, and there at the check in desk was a family of an 8 day old baby who is at the hospital fighting for his life. This is their first time here. The mother had a look of fear and desperation on her face. The father spoke to me and asked how old Myles was. He had his 12 month old daughter in his arms and the weight of the world on his shoulders and in that moment, my heart broke for them. I dropped the small talk and I told them that we spent the greater part of the first year of Myles’ life in this house and hospital, and that even though it feels like this is forever right now, it will be over at some point and it will feel like a bad dream. I told them that this is as much God’s house as any church you’ve ever been in. Because this is a place where God’s work is done. And I told them I was praying for their son and their whole family. Because there isn’t anything else you can say in a moment like that.
18 months ago, we were them. My husband sat at that desk and checked us in for the first time. While his wife was recovering from giving birth in one hospital and his son was fighting for his life in another hospital. And he took the tour of this mansion of a building with the words likely going in one ear and out the other, with fear in his heart and no idea what the future would hold.
We still have no idea what the future holds for our son. We have no idea how long he will live. What illnesses and battles and complications he will have to fight. We have no clue what is coming, but when it comes, we know where to come to. We would not have made it through what we have without Ronald McDonald House Charities. That’s a fact. They are our family and we are so thankful for them.  — Hannah, Myles’ mama

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